Discover How To

Grow Your Client Base Consistently Each Month Through The Power Of Your LinkedIn Profile...


* Only 100 spots are available for this training, so claim yours now *

Friday 13th September
10:00 AM AEST - Sydney Time

people profiles

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When I ask most service professionals 'where do you get most of your clients from?' The answer is always the same.

Word of mouth, referrals, networking or from people I know.

Therefore, it makes great business sense to have a system that can

  • Build you a powerful network every day.
  • Engage and stay front of mind of that network.
  • Create conversations with your network so you can see what business you can do together.

Unfortunately the problem is... Most service professionals either don't have a system or the time to do this consistently, so they miss out on hundreds of opportunities (and new clients) each year!

We all know that the more people we have in our networks that know us, like us and trust us, the more word of mouth, referrals and clients we will get.

That is why we built the Leveraged Connections system... To help you generate a million dollars a year from your powerful network!


First, I will walk you through the Connect, Converse & Grow framework so you can see all the stepping stones involved and how you can run a super successful LinkedIn strategy.

Most people think that 'posting' is the most important part of the puzzle, well I'll show you why it's the least important.

Next, I will walk you through the 3 strategies we use ourselves every month to fill our calendar with calls. On average we get anywhere between 8-15 new opportunities for clients every month.

Just imagine having that many people raising their hands, saying please help me with my pain point.

Finally, I'll give you the simple processes we use to nurture those people in a way that you can deepen your relationship with them and find ways to add real value to them and their pain point.

The whole purpose of business is to help others and solve their pain point.

If using LinkedIn to generate new clients and new business is a priority for you then you can't afford to miss this Masterclass